
Snowpipe is a gaming company that has introduced game services inspired by popular local cartoon films in Korea.


For CBT (Closed Beta Test), the client used KT Cloud, one of the Korean cloud computing services. But Krafton reviewed to adopt Azure as an alternative for management points (OS, Database, and Backup) and flexible scale-out. 

In recognition of our experiences in operation Azure support for numerous gaming companies and excellent technical support capabilities, Krafton commissioned Cloocus for their Azure migration. Based on our specialty in Azure, we were able to provide the client cost optimization and increase efficiency by delivering Cosmos DB which replaced MongoDB. 

Utilized Azure Resources

– Database: SQL Server, Redis Cache, Cosmos DB
– Server: F series VM, LoadBalancer 


The project required a lot of transition in a very short period of time as the client required deployment after the final close beta test before the actual service release. To meet the schedule, Cloocus delivered tehcnial support for 1 month and improved client’s operational efficiency related to distributed processing, such as content development and infrastructure environment setting. For better gaming services, experience of Cloocus consultants on gaming played a crucial role not only in Azure-related matters but also in aspects unrelated to Azure, such as game server logic and development, contributing significantly to decision-making processes.

Furthermore, by regular monitoring, Cloocus provided support for query tuning and designs, resulting in improved database performance and cost savings. Typically, consulting focuses on presenting various features and excellence of Azure or showcasing methodologies for cloud architecture. However, in this collaboration with Snowpipe, our focus was smooth communication based on trust. This approach enabled us to successfully deliver the project to our client.

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